Discussion of a PhD thesis on (hybrid strategies and their impact on smart production to achieve organizational proactive)
Mohammed Ghassan
January 5, 2020
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The public discussion of the doctoral student (Dhargham Hassan Abdul) from the Department of Business Administration on his thesis tagged (hybrid strategies and their effect on smart production to achieve organizational pre-emption) took place in the College of Administration and Economics. During the smart production, which represents one of the pillars of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and the importance of the study was that it discusses general topics related to competitive reality and trying to develop industrial organizations and establish the role of smart production to develop the capabilities of organizations.
The discussion committee consisted of the members:
1- Dr. Youssef Hajim Al-Taie / University of Kufa / College of Administration and Economics as president
2- Dr. Mahmoud Al-Dulaimi / Karbala University / College of Administration and Economics as a member
3- Dr. Ammar Abdul Amir Zwein / University of Kufa / College of Administration and Economics as a member
4- Dr. Qais Ibrahim Hussein / Iraqi University / College of Administration and Economics
5- Dr. Kazem Ahmed Jawad / Al-Mustansiriya University / College of Administration and Economics as a member
6- Dr. Abbas Mazal Al-Sahlani / College of Administration and Economics / member and supervisor